When I first moved into this neighborhood I was extremely pleased that several of the neighbors came over to introduce themselves as I was moving boxes in.
- It’s rather unusual for people to be so friendly in this day and age.
I enjoyed knowing who I was living next to, and I was especially pleased that my neighbor directly across the street was a certified heating, cooling, and ventilation specialist for the last thirty-five years. In general, he was retired from the air quality industry these days. However, he told me that if there were ever any issues with my indoor air quality, I should not hesitate to give him a call or walk across the street and knock on his door. Let me tell you, his HVAC expertise definitely came in handy on many occasions over the last 10 years. There have been so many times that I’ve had a strange sound coming from my air conditioning system, cold air coming from my furnace, or strange smells emanating from the extensive air ducts in the walls. On every occasion, I have run across the street and gotten my neighbor for immediate help. He has always been very kind and knowledgeable with my indoor air quality control devices. However, in the past few years I’ve noticed that he’s been losing some of his touch. The man is now 70-something years old and I feel guilty calling him up at odd hours for emergency HVAC repair. I decided to try a different HVAC provider the other week when I required a ductwork cleaning. When I called them out, I felt dirty about the entire transaction. I have to say, I felt even worse when my neighbor stood on his porch and stared at the HVAC work truck in my driveway. I’ve been trying to apologize to him with homemade cookies ever since, but he has ignored all of my apologies.