Forgot about my furnace repair until winter

Forgot about my furnace repair until winter

In Terrell, Texas you can’t really go without good heating. I moved into my Texas home during the summer season. I knew going in that the furnace required a repair. I paid a lower cost due to that. I then just didn’t get on the repair. I was relying on my cooling system and just

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I have excruciating luck with indoor appliances

I have excruciating luck with indoor appliances

I am not the sort of man who gets along well with technology. When people try to complain to me about their cell PCs not working respectfully, I provide them a completely blank stare plus back away with my hands up. When someone is telling me about the printer that can’t be found on the

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Always called neighbor for HVAC help – got a new guy now

Always called neighbor for HVAC help – got a new guy now

When I first moved into this neighborhood I was extremely pleased that several of the neighbors came over to introduce themselves as I was moving boxes in. It’s rather unusual for people to be so friendly in this day and age. I enjoyed knowing who I was living next to, and I was especially pleased

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Such a dusty house nothing works

Such a dusty house nothing works

I laid back down and sweated through a sleepless evening. No matter how old I get, it seems like boys never certainly change. I grew up with two older brothers, so I feel like I am fairly accustomed to dealing with the male species. To be honest, I don’t see that multiple differences between my

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Such a dusty house nothing works

Such a dusty house nothing works

No matter how seasoned I get, it seems like boys never really change. I grew up with two older siblings, so I feel like I am fairly accustomed to dealing with the male species. To be honest, I don’t see that multiple differences between my early experiences growing up with boys plus my later experiences

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Cleaned out ductworks & found son’s stash

Cleaned out ductworks & found son’s stash

Teenagers are so hilarious to me. I have honestly been looking forward to the afternoon that my teenagers hit adolescence, because I knew it was going to be a funny ride. When I feel back on myself as a teenager, I can’t help but laugh a lot. I was a real little shit. To be

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HVAC tech wouldn’t come inside after seeing dog

HVAC tech wouldn’t come inside after seeing dog

For several years now I’ve been living with a gaping hole in my life. It’s been very obvious that there’s a massive void and I haven’t had the resources necessary to fill it. When I have had the financial resources and the infrastructure necessary to fix this problem, there’s always been another issue. For instance,

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Cleaned out air ducts and found son’s stash

Cleaned out air ducts and found son’s stash

I found a small cardboard box, packed to the brim with all sorts of illicit materials just behind his air vent Teenagers are so hilarious to me. I have certainly been looking forward to the morning that my adolescents hit adolescence, because I knew it was going to be a funny ride. When I feel

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Such a dusty apartment nothing works

Such a dusty apartment nothing works

No matter how old I get, it seems like boys never really change. I grew up with two older brothers, so I feel like I’m fairly accustomed to dealing with the male species. To be honest, I don’t see that many differences between my early experiences growing up with boys and my later experiences dating

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Finders keepers – busted HVAC at work is my problem now

Finders keepers – busted HVAC at work is my problem now

There’s one thing that I absolutely hate about my current job. There’s little accountability for anybody, and the lines of responsibility are very poorly drawn. It seems like certain people can put their foot down and decide what their job titles entail, and other people are simply thrown random jobs when they come floating down

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